Sunday, January 31, 2010

A New Start

January 31, 2010

My name is Jeff Hall, and I love to travel.

For the past two years I've been in San Francisco California, working for a wealth management company on a mountain in Woodside. I've been living in the Mission District which is right in the middle of the city, and making the hour and a half commute every day. In the two years that I've been here I've learned a tremendous amount about finance and a lot about life in general. Excluding summer internships, I had never been in an office for 10+ hours a day every day, and I had never taken on the level of responsibility this job required.  I had never lived in a city like San Francisco before and never had to deal with a commute. While living on my own was familiar, doing it in a city on the other side of the country where I had no roots was strange.

I put in my time, saved some money, and am now taking over a year off to pursue law school, and my dream of traveling extensively. Before I moved to California, I did some traveling in Oaxaca Mexico, and in the past year have been to Peru, Argentina, Uruguay, and a little sliver of Brazil. My goal for the next year is to do well on the LSAT, apply and get accepted to a good law school, and then travel across at least two continents and see at least a dozen countries. The plan is going to involve a couple of parts.

1. A road trip between San Francisco and Manchester Vermont which will begin later this week, and take the entire month of February.  The trip will go through the South East and include New Orleans, Oxford MS, Memphis, Atlanta, Charlottesville, DC, and NYC.
2. Three months of LSAT study including 12 hours in class a week, plenty of skiing, and slogging through the long process of submitting applications.
3. A move someplace in the developing world to travel for a while, then buckle down with a volunteer assignment for a couple of months, most likely in Eastern Europe.
4. Come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
5. Trave until August 2011.
6. Begin law school.

Overall I've loved living out here and am going to miss it terribly. SF is a really weird place with an endless amount of things to do. The food, music scene, bars, neighborhoods, and the people are all great, and the surrounding areas (Berkeley, San Rafael, Marin, Pacifica, Point Reyes, Tahoe, Santa Cruz) are all a blast as well. I'm spending the rest of the day packing, going on a date, then buckling down for a week of organizing and cramming as much stuff as I can into the back of a Jeep Wrangler and driving to Mardi Gras.

Stay tuned, I'll be updating frequently.

- Jeff