Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Updates From the Green Mountain State

Checking in with just over a month left until departure to Ghana. My time in Vermont has been going swimmingly... I've never had it this good. I took the LSAT a couple of weeks ago, still haven't heard my scores yet but I felt prepared going into it. I've been hiking and exploring swimming holes getting lots of quality time in with my family which is much needed after 6 years of seeing them only sporadically. Getting back onto the golf course with my Dad this past weekend and hiking in the National Forest with my Mother over the past few weeks has been a blast.

I recently found some part time work doing Excel analysis for Stratton mountain which is filling the financial gap left by the end of a brief stint lumberjacking trees with an axe and a bow saw at my Grandmother's condo complex in Killington.

I've been keeping busy with an incredible girlfriend and her organic farm. Barring some work at Farm & Wilderness summer camp growing up, this is my first real farm work experience, and I'm really enjoying getting out and learning about where the food I've always taken for granted actually comes from and putting in good physical labor. One of the great pleasures of my time here has been watching the food Megan grows go from lumps of dirt on a wooden plank to delicious meals. Being a part of the long growing process with someone I love has kept a smile on my face every single day...

Above is a shot of me in a pasture just over the border in New York with a flock of pregnant sheep at a friend's farm. Below is a picture of chicks being raised at Megan's farm, and a Llama keeping watch over the flock...

Big wins of the week include:
- Getting the parts needed to fix my portable GPS
- Fixing my record player by myself (currently listening to "Scratch" by The Crusaders
- Getting my Ghanain visa delivered well ahead of time
- Ghana's recent stellar World Cup performances against Serbia and Australia

Hope all is well wherever you are. Be sure to drop me a line if you get a chance...

- Jeff

Got My Ghana Visa Today

My Visa came in the mail today. I used Travel Visa Pro and had an excellent experience. They kept me in the loop with the whole process, were quick, low hassle, and cheap. This sets me up between July and the last week of November barring any extensions. Should be a wide enough time frame to get a lot of good work done.