Thursday, February 25, 2010

In Vermont

Got home, skiied Stratton, getting ready to put this blog in hibernation for the next three months until the real journey begins.  I'll have a final road trip stats post, some info about what I'm up to for the next three months, and probably a post every now and again to pass the time.  I've been in close touch with some people I've worked with in Ghana and it looks like moving back to Cape Coast, Elmina, or Kakum could be happening in early July.  Emphasis on the word could, nothing is close to certain.

We got slammed with '31 inches of snow since I got in, and minus one awesome tumble on the road in front of a large truck towing a trailer, the driving has been fine, and the mountain has been open.  The skiing isn't Jackson Hole, but I had a great time today poking around.  Its sleeting here in town (Manchester), but snowing heavily up the hill at the mountain.  I think this week alone is going to prolong the season another 2 weeks.

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